
Sara Siye Liu

Economics, Technology, Reflection, updated bi-weekly

What I have Learnt from Summer 2020

What I have learnt from Summer 2020 It is one of the strangest, fun-packed and hectic summer that I have ever had. Living in a pandemic, working on a remote job, moving from places to places, watching the news that just kept getting worse.. Everyday there was a dreaded news that is waiting for me. Yet through the process, I learnt to be independent, stay focused and how to fight for opportunities when every door seems to be shut.

100 Days of Code

I will code for at least an hour every day for the next 100 days to become a better developer, learn ways to build and ship a product. It's a challenge that I am willing to accept.

About me

Hello and welcome to my website! I am Sara Siye Liu, student @NYU Stern, insurtech startup founder, tech enthusiast, Singaporean. I believe in creating a better future by harnessing the power of technology into business. One cannot do without the other.