100 Days of Code

💯Days Of Code - Log

Day 0: April 27, Monday

Today’s Progress: I’ve gone through many exercises on FreeCodeCamp.

Thoughts I’ve recently started coding, and it’s a great feeling when I finally solve an algorithm challenge after a lot of attempts and hours spent.

Link(s) to work

  1. Find the Longest Word in a String
  2. Title Case a Sentence

Day 1: May 18, 2020, Monday

Today’s Progress: I ‘ve learned JavaScript, pop(), push(), shift(), unshift()

Thoughts: Very similar to Java, wonder what’s the point of creating JavaScript, may be it works better on the web?

functionoutput type
varoutput type

Day 2: May 19, 2020, Tuesday

Today’s Progress: Still learning basic JavaScript, scope = visibility of variables on FreeCodeCamp. Doing Numpy tutorial

Thoughts Can’t wait to put the code together to form my javascript project!

Link(s) to work

  1. Numpy Tutorial

Day 3: May 24, 2020, Sunday

Today’s Progress: just finished my first hackathon. It was an incredibel experience and I can still feel the surge in adrenaline as I look at our final product and demo video. It was tons of learning different languages and techniques in such a short amount of time. I also had a glimpse of software development and have a better appreciation of different roles / talent that is needed to make the product work and be loved by users.

Link(s) to work

  1. Trekker Gihub
  2. Backyard Hack Demo Video on Youtube
  3. Project website - Trekker

Special thanks: Image provided by @Sean Daugherty