Reflection on George Floyd and the BLM Protest

For being silent is the least thing we can do right now.

What brings about change?

It’s always a collection of factors, cascading dominos that make the situation ripe for collective behavior, unrest and mobilization.

As Trevor Noah mentioned, every piece of recent news that shed light on how there is still prevalent racism against African Americans is interconnected. They have been disadvantaged by the system. The coiled sort of anxiousness, despair, desperatino for the society to be aware, pent up frustration with the system and lack of leadership displayed in the response to police brutality, public health crisis. This built up an awakening and together with the realization, the incredible power to initate protests, rebellion against status quo. I hear you, the crying for help, for reform, for attention.


Why has this not been done before?

The police wields immunity against charges. This nearly unchecked ability of the state, police department allows them to act with impunity in the oppression of black bodies. coersion, extreme force and sometimes taking of black life.

Other than the police brutality, we also see another group of people, headed by Amy Cooper who represents white privilege. They reinforced the sterotypes of African American bodies and did not help to improve their reputation and social standing.


What’s next?

America has paid the cost of being unresponsive to people’s calls for fundamental change and equal justice under the law. While America is the progenior of this type of violence, it also responds to the violence.

We see Minneapplis Police Department ready to revolutionize its police force. We see transparency and business organizations taking charge to acknowledge this group of African Americans who have been neglected by opportunities.

There will be greater transparency to have a full and independent accounting of what went wrong, what can be done to bring actual reform to a police department. We will find a new equilibrium to address the deep rooted divide and remedy the mistrust through better policies, people taking ownership of their voting rights.

It is a great time to reflect on our own behavior and whether we have been implicitly agreeing to the microaggression that is causing our fellow peers, classmates, colleagues discomfort. Our realization, awareness will help to break the vicious cycle and bring about positive changes and give voice for black lives to truly matter in our society.